A self-employed retirement plan is a tax-deferred retirement savings program for self-employedindividuals. In the past, the term “Keogh plan” or “H.R. 10 plan” was used to distinguish aretirement plan established by a self-employed individual from a plan established by acorporation or other entity. However, self-employed retirement plans are now generally referredto by the name that…
Author: Ian Maddox
What happens if I open a 529 plan in one state and then move to another state?
Essentially nothing, if you have a 529 college savings plan. You can leave the account funds in yourformer state’s plan with no penalty, and then tap those funds at college time. Alternatively, you can roll the assets over from your old state’s 529 plan to your new state’s plan if both plans allow it, keeping…
Funding a Roth IRA
With the potential for tax-free retirement income, Roth IRAs may be appealing investment vehicles.There are three ways to fund a Roth IRA — you can open an account and contribute directly, youcan convert all or part of a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA, or you can roll over or convert funds froman eligible employer…
Retirement Planning: The Basics
You may have a very idealistic vision of retirement — doing all of the things that you never seem to have time to do now. But how do you pursue that vision? Social Security may be around when you retire, but the benefit that you get from Uncle Sam may not provide enough income for…
When Your Child Has Special Needs
As the parent of a child with special needs, you face many of the same challenges thatany parent faces. But you’ll have to cope with some unique financial, medical, educational, and legal issues as well. Where do you start?Getting reliable information and support is important when you have a child with specialneeds. Start by talking…
Charitable Giving
When developing your estate plan, you can do well by doing good. Leaving money to charity rewards you in many ways. It gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, and it can save you money in estate taxes. A few words about transfer taxes The federal government taxes transfers of wealth you make to others,…
Evaluating an Early Retirement Offer
In today’s corporate environment, cost cutting, restructuring, and downsizing are thenorm, and many employers are offering their employees early retirement packages. Buthow do you know if the seemingly attractive offer you’ve received is a good one? By evaluating it carefully to make sure that the offer fits your needs. What’s the severance package?Most early retirement…
Should You Buy Long-Term Care Insurance?
The longer you live, the greater the chances you’ll need some form of long-term care. If you’re concerned about protecting your assets and maintaining your financial independence in your later years, long-term care insurance (LTCI) may be for you. Who needs it?As we age, the odds increase that we’ll need some form of long-term care…
Tax Planning for the Self-Employed
Self-employment is the opportunity to be your own boss, to come and go as you please,and oh yes, to establish a lifelong bond with your accountant. If you’re self-employed,you’ll need to pay your own FICA taxes and take charge of your own retirement plan,among other things. Here are some planning tips. Understand self-employment tax and…
Tax Planning For Income
Certain retirement plans can help you postpone the payment of taxes on your earned income.With a traditional 401(k) plan, for example, you contribute part of your salary into the plan,paying income tax only when you later withdraw money from the plan (withdrawals before age591⁄2 may be subject to a 10% penalty tax in addition to…